The Samsung SSD 850 EVO elevates the everyday computing experience to a higher level of performance and endurance than was ever imagined. Powered by Samsung's unmatched V-NAND technology, no wonder the 850 EVO is the best-selling. SSD for everyday computing.
Samsung 850 EVO SSD Review
Samsung 850 EVO is one of the most popular SSDs among PC users all around the world since theday it released. Many statistic report this SSD is located in the top of the yearly sale list. Surely, it has some outstanding features so that it can be sought after by so manypeople.

Specifically, Samsung 850 EVO SSD as well as 840 EVO and 750 EVO, are built with highperformance with useful features. It is powered by Samsung’s unmatched V-NAND technologywhich is great for everyday computing. As for the computing performance, its boastingsequential write speeds up to 520 MB/s with TurboWrite technology and sequential read speedsup to 540 MB/s. The capacity of Samsung 850 EVO SSD is available from 120 GB to 4 TB. Amongwhich, the 850 500 GB, 250 GB and 1 TB are most popular.
Installing Samsung 860 EVO SSD in desktop computer is more complicated than installing SSD in laptop. But getting the case off and accessing the drive is typically a lot easier than on most laptops. To install Samsung 860 EVO SSD in desktop computer, you need to prepare a screwdriver and a SATA cable. Samsung 850 EVO SSD Review. Samsung 850 EVO is one of the most popular SSDs among PC users all around the world since the day it released. Many statistic report this SSD is located in the top of the yearly sale list. Surely, it has some outstanding features so that it can be sought after by so many people.
Absolutely, it also has some disadvantages. With so many high technologies, the price of thisSSD is relatively higher than other SSDs. But luckily, it is also affordable for one or two.Besides, it has only 5 years warranty, which is shorter than normal warranty period: 10years. Therefore, so users would like to clone Samsung 850 EVO toanother SSD now and then.
Why Replace Hard Drive with Samsung EVO 850 SSD?
As covered before, Samsung 850 EVO has so many merits. It is not a bad choice to use it as ahard drive replacement. With such high configurations, playing games or run dual-bootoperating systems are not a tough task any more.

Another reason to replace hard drive with Samsung SSD is that current hard drive is about todie. As we know, most hard drives have only a couple of year’s lifespan. In addition, it mayalso be damaged by physical attack, natural disaster, and virus and so on. As a result,changing hard drive in both desktop and laptop become common phenomena.
How to Change Hard Drive with Samsung EVO SSD?
To change a hard drive of your computer, some preparations are necessary. You need differenttools on desktops and laptops. In detail, for desktop user, you’ll need external diskenclosure. For laptop user, an USB-to-SATA cable is necessary. What’s more, a screwdriverthat used to uninstall old hard drive and install Samsung SSD is helpful.
Note: Cloning hard drive to Samsung SSD via USB cable in laptop is riskybecause the cloning process might be failed due to cable connection factor or the like.Thus, it is advised to do backup and restore in laptop to complete the replacing. You canlearn more with screenshots in Samsung laptop SSDupgrade.
Samsung Evo Disk Utility
Except for aforementioned tools, hard drive data migration software is quite useful if youdon’t want to reinstall the OS. Many SSDs come with a data migration tool, so does toSamsung 850 EVO SSD. This utility is called Samsung Data Migration (SDM). This utility iseasy to use, you just need three steps to complete the migration. Detailed steps areillustrated in clone HDD to SamsungSSD. Nevertheless, according to the feedback, this utility will get stuck at 99% atthe verify stage, and sometimes at the boot screen with no picture there. If you’re unluckyand facing such situations, you can try another Samsung SSD 850 EVO datamigration software.
Clone Hard Drive to Samsung 850 EVO with AOMEI Backupper
1. Install Samsung SSD to your PC and make sure it can be detected. Download (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, and Vista supported),install and run AOMEI Backupper.
2. At the main console, click Clone > Disk Clone.

3. Select current hard drive as the source disk.
4. Select the Samsung SSD as the target disk.
Samsung Evo Ssd Software Magician
5. Check SSD Alignment box and click Start Clone. If youwant to clone every sector of old hard drive, please tick Sector by sectorclone.
6. Shut down your PC at completion. Then uninstall old hard drive and install Samsung SSD toyour PC using screwdriver, if necessary. Please note that you need to change boot order inBIOS if keeping two drives installed. The suggestion is remove old hard drive to test if youcan boot from the SSD.
Samsung Evo Ssd Software

You can edit partitions on Samsung SSD before cloning with Edit partitions onthe destination disk option.
You can clone only OS to Samsung SSD with AOMEI BackupperProfessional edition.
Replace hard drive with Samsung EVO 850 SSD can be easily completed with the help of AOMEIBackupper. In fact, this software can help you clone hard drive with badsectors. The Create Bootable Media in Utilities assists you backup harddrive without booting Windows. Download to find more.