Department Head

Greetings from Purdue Computer Science

  1. Department Head Job Description
  2. Department Head Job Description

In the European Union, departments are termed Directorate(s)-General with the civil servant in charge called a Director-General (in the European Commission, the political head of the department is one of the European Commissioners). The government departments of the Soviet Union were named 'People's Commissariats' between 1917 and 1946.

At Purdue University, we never stop in our persistent pursuit of the next giant leap. Through world-changing research and education in a culture of inclusion and hard work, we are developing practical solutions to the toughest challenges, building a better world, together. With a degree from Purdue Computer Science and a desire for innovation and creativity, you can solve complex and challenging problems in any field.

In the profession of computer science, demand for our majors continues to grow - once again we have broken our own record for the number of applications for freshman admissions: we had more than 5,500 applications received for Fall 2019 in both our Computer Science Major and Data Science Major. The quality of incoming students is at an all-time high and our graduates continue to be in great demand. This year the freshman women students represent 27% of the undergraduate population and women are 21% among all undergraduate classes. Purdue Computer Science continues to have women student populations above those reported in the 2018 Taulbee Survey.

We began this academic year with 1900 undergraduate students and 396 graduate students, all engaged in one of our 9 undergraduate tracks or 11 research areas respectively. I am excited to continue and build upon our department’s reputation as a leading computer science research and education powerhouse in our persistent pursuit of innovation.

Our commitment and work within the department has generated numerous firsts beyond our record-breaking enrollments, including: the best-prepared students ever; becoming the most selective major on campus (CS); becoming the largest major on campus (CS), launching and growing the data science major (Glassdoor: best job in America); developing our TA training programs; and finally the our preparatory Bridge Program for incoming CS students.

As we begin the academic year of 2019-2020, our faculty has grown to 63 members. The competition for recruiting new computer science faculty is higher than ever. Purdue University and the College of Science continue to support our growth. We are committed as a department to continue to serve our growing student body at the highest possible level.

  1. Welcome from the department head. Welcome to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Carnegie Mellon University. I am honored to be the newly appointed Head of ECE. Our department has been a leader in both research and education for several decades. As the largest department within the College of Engineering—with 76 active faculty and more than 1,1.
  2. Official websites website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.
  3. DuPage County Health Department (DCHD) will close the COVID-19 community-based drive-thru testing site located at the DuPage County Complex in Wheaton at the end of the month, with the last scheduled day set for Friday, Jan.
  4. Bachelor's degree Three years clinical experience in the professional discipline One year experience as an instructor of an Imaging Program.

On behalf of Purdue Computer Science, I want to thank Professor Dongyan Xu for his leadership as the previous department head. His commitment to our success is shown by the adherence to our mission of advancing the profession of computer science and applying computational principles to technical and societal problems. He is a relentless advocate for computer science research and a strong leader within our profession.

I am immensely proud to lead the department through our next stage of growth.


Sunil Prabhakar
Professor and Department Head
Part of the Politics series on
Executive government
Head of state
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  • Cabinet
    Government formation
    Cabinet collective responsibility
  • Other
  • Monarchy(Constitutional)
  • Republic(Parliamentary)
  • Parliamentary(Westminster)
  • Semi-parliamentary(simul simul)
  • Semi-presidential(cohabitational)
Politics portal

A ministry is a high governmental organisation, headed by a minister, that is meant to manage a specific sector of public administration.[1] Governments may have differing numbers and types of ministries,[1] but the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary notes that all states have (often under varying names) a Ministry of Interior, a Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a Ministry of Defence (which may be divided into ministries for land, naval, and air forces), a Ministry of Justice, and a Ministry of Finance.[1] A Ministry of Education or similar is also commonly present.[1]

Ministries are usually immediate subdivisions of the cabinet (the executive branch of the government), and subordinate to its chief executive who is called prime minister, chief minister, president, minister-president, or (federal) chancellor.

During the 20th century, many countries increasingly tended to replace the term 'ministry' with titles such as 'department', 'office', or 'state secretariat'. In some countries, these terms may be used with specific meanings: for example, an office may be a subdivision of a department or ministry.

Department Head



In Canada, five of the ten provincial governments use the term 'ministry' to describe their departments (Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, and Alberta) but the other five, as well as the three territorial governments and the federal government, use the term 'department'. Despite the difference in nomenclature, both the provincial and federal governments use the term 'minister' to describe the head of a ministry or department. The specific task assigned to a minister is referred to as his or her 'portfolio'.

United Kingdom[edit]


In the United Kingdom, all government organisations that consist of civil servants, and which may or may not be headed by a government minister or secretary of state, are considered to be departments. Until 2018, the term 'ministry' had been retained only for the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Justice. On 8 January 2018, Prime Minister Theresa May announced that the Department of Communities and Local Government would be renamed at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to emphasise her government's prioritising of housing policy.

Other countries[edit]

Some countries, such as Switzerland, the Philippines and the United States, do not use or no longer use the term 'ministry' and instead call their main government bodies 'departments'. However, in other countries such as Luxembourg a department is a subdivision of a ministry, usually led by a government member called a secretary of state who is subordinate to the minister.

In Australia at the Federal level, and also at the State level, the term 'Ministry' refers to the ministerial office held by a member of Government, the executive, which is then responsible for one or more Departments, the top division of the public service. The collection of Departments responsible to a ministerial office and hence the Minister, is referred to as the Minister's 'portfolio'.

New Zealand's state agencies include many ministries and a smaller number of departments. Increasingly, state agencies are styled neither as ministries nor as departments. All New Zealand agencies are under the direction of one or more ministers or associate ministers, whether they are styled 'ministries' or not. Each body also has an apolitical chief executive, and in ministries and departments these chief executives often have the title of Secretary.

In Hong Kong, the term 'bureau' is used, and departments are subordinate to the bureaus. In Mexico, ministries are referred to as secretariats. In 1999, the ministries of the federal government of Belgium became known as 'federal public services', the exception being the Ministry of Defense which kept the original designation.

The organization of the Portuguese government implemented in 2015, ceased to expressly foresee the existence of ministries, with the portfolios of the ministers being referred as 'governative areas'. While some governative areas continue to be structured as traditional ministries (Finance, Defense, Foreign Affairs, etc.), other governative areas received a more flexible organization.

In Nigeria each ministry is led by a minister who is not a member of the Nigerian legislature (due to the separation of powers) and is responsible to the popularly elected President.

In Lebanon, there are 21 ministries. Each ministry is led by a minister, and the Prime Minister is the 22nd minister of the Lebanese government.

In the European Union, departments are termed Directorate(s)-General with the civil servant in charge called a Director-General (in the European Commission, the political head of the department is one of the European Commissioners).

The government departments of the Soviet Union were named 'People's Commissariats' between 1917 and 1946.

In popular culture[edit]

The term 'ministry' has also been widely used in fiction, notably in satires and parodies.

Books and films[edit]

  • The Ministry of Magic is the governing body of the wizarding world of the United Kingdom and Ireland in the Harry Potter series (not a department of the British Government responsible for magical affairs). It is led by a Minister for Magic.
  • In the Nineteen Eighty-Four novel there are four Ministries in charge of Airstrip One (formerly the United Kingdom), : the Ministry of Truth (education, culture and propaganda), the Ministry of Love (the interior), the Ministry of Plenty (economic affairs) and the Ministry of Peace (war and foreign affairs) .
  • The Ministry of Information Retrieval features in the film Brazil.
  • The Ministry of Social Coherence appears in an Estonian comedy Riigimehed (Statesmen).

Department Head Job Description


  • In Yes Minister the Department of Administrative Affairs (DAA) is responsible for the administration of other government departments and the British Civil Service. This ministry had a number of other responsibilities, including National Health Service administration, local government, organising state visits by foreign leaders, enforcing European regulations, the arts and telecommunications.
  • The Thick of It is set at the fictional Department of Social Affairs, later called the Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship.
  • The Ministry of Silly Walks is the subject of a sketch in Monty Python's Flying Circus.

Department Head Job Description

See also[edit]


Department Head
  1. ^ abcd' Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона', т. XIX (1896): Мекенен — Мифу-Баня, 'Министерства', с. 351—357 s:ru:ЭСБЕ/Министерства

External links[edit]

  • Media related to Ministries at Wikimedia Commons
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