Qt Quick allows you to declare various UI states that describe how component properties change from a base state. Therefore, states can be a useful way of organizing your UI logic. You can associate transitions with items to define how their properties will animate when they change due to a state change.
- Name Last modified Size Metadata; Parent Directory - 4.14/ 17-Dec-2020 13:25 - 4.13/ 20-Nov-2020 11:56 - 4.12/.
- Qt Creator is freely available for download, either alone or as part of the Qt SDK. Qt Creator is a cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) tailored to the needs of Qt developers. Qt Creator runs on Windows, Linux/X11 and Mac OS X desktop operating systems, and allows developers to create applications for multiple desktop.
Beyond the Code
Design and Create

We believe that delivering connected devices, UIs and applications that meet and exceed end user demands takes more than just clean code. You can’t live on intuitive and comprehensive APIs alone. We want you to be able to not only code, but to also design and create. You’ve surely heard us say “code less, create more”? Well, this is where “create” comes into play.
Integrated Development Environment
Whether you are creating a mobile app, desktop application or a connected embedded device, Qt Creator is the cross-platform IDE that makes application and UI development a breeze. Since time-to-market is key, the IDE includes productivity tools that speed up your development time.
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The Tools
Create visual appeal that speaks to your end users. Our integrated UI design tools help you design UIs using Qt Widgets with Qt Designer, and smooth animated UIs with Qt Quick Designer.
Qt also comes with stand-alone tools:
- Expand your global market with Qt Linguist, which speeds the translation and internationalization of your applications.
- Give your end users the help and documentation they need with Qt Assistant, which is a configurable and redistributable documentation reader
- In case you are more comfortable with Visual Studio we have an add-in for you. However, we still think you should give Qt Creator a try…of course
Not Forgetting
The Code
Sophisticated Code Editor
Support for editing C++ and QML context-sensitive help, code completion, navigation and more.
Version Control
Integration with most popular version control systems

Project & Build Management
All the necessary files are generated including support for importing existing projects or creating one from scratch.
Desktop to Embedded
Multiscreen and multi-platform support for quickly switching between build targets.
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Qt Creator Installer
Qt Creator provides integrated visual editors for designing Qt Quick and widget-based applications in the Design mode. The integration includes project management and code completion.
- Developing Qt Quick Applications
You can use wizards to create Qt Quick projects containing boiler-plate code that you can edit in the Design mode.
- Developing Widget Based Applications
Widgets and forms created with Qt Designer are integrated seamlessly with programmed code by using the Qt signals and slots mechanism that allows you to easily assign behavior to graphical elements. All properties set in Qt Designer can be changed dynamically within the code. Furthermore, features such as widget promotion and custom plugins allow you to use your own widgets with Qt Designer.
- Best Practices
Apply the best practices to ensure that the UIs you create work efficiently on the intended platforms, such as mobile devices.
© 2020 The Qt Company Ltd. Documentation contributions included herein are the copyrights of their respective owners. The documentation provided herein is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. Qt and respective logos are trademarks of The Qt Company Ltd in Finland and/or other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.